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What is Destiny?

Is there such a thing as fate? Does free will exist? From birth until we can make decisions, we live as a consequence of others’ choices. The moment we begin choosing for ourselves is when we start shaping our destiny. Yet, each action has its own reaction, each choice its consequence. Eventually, the moment will come when choices become limited, a result of past decisions.

The Labyrinth of Life

Imagine life as a labyrinth. We’re placed in it at birth, and at each intersection, we must make decisions—left, right, up, or down, but never back. Every choice shapes our path forward, guiding us deeper into the maze. We may come to another decision point, making a new choice that alters our direction, but we can never return to the past.

Intersections of Fate

A friend shared an idea: “You have multiple roads in front of you, each with its own destination.” This resembles how we navigate life—just like driving on a highway. Once we choose a route, we can’t go back, only decide at the next intersection which way to go. These intersections are pivotal moments, or “intersections of fate,” where the choice we make impacts the rest of our journey.

Reflect on moments when you’ve said, “If I hadn’t made that decision, I wouldn’t be where I am now.” These decisions were made at an intersection of fate, forever changing the course of your life.

Free Will vs. Destiny

The labyrinth is more than just a two-dimensional structure—it’s multidimensional, with countless possibilities. When you choose a path, you decide your fate at that moment. Your actions generate more paths and destinations. At some point, choosing a new path can change your ultimate destination.

When you run out of choices, you’ve reached the end of the road you’ve followed, facing the consequences of your decisions.

The Balance Between Free Will and Destiny

Where does free will fit in? You exercise it by choosing the next path. Destiny, on the other hand, is the destination of that path. Both interact as part of the journey—your choices shape your path, while destiny guides you toward where that path leads.

In the end, we are the product of our own choices.

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